When and where was the meet-and-greet event?Ħ. Did the writer want to see the concert?ģ. How did the writer feel when she knew that Afgan was coming to town?Ģ. He was also very friendly, so I didnt feel too nervous when I had a chance to take pictures with him. He asked my name so that he could write it on the CD to say To Mia, Love Afgan. I thought it was really cool seeing him like that because he really just felt like a normal person, which was awesome. It was unreal just seeing him that close. When I arrived at the table, I was speechless. I prepared my CDs and began to stand in the line.

When he was finished with the song, the host announced that it was time for autographing the memorabilia. I couldnt take my eyes off this amazing singer who had released three albums. Afganisme went even crazier they sang along with him throughout the song. Then, he started the event by singing his hit single Dia dia dia. The shouts sounded like a mix of Fine, thank you and screams of Afgans name. He smiled and waved to all Afganism who had been waiting excitedly saying, Good morning. Finally, after about 40 or 50 minutes wait, Afgan showed up from inside the radio station. A spot inside a lobby was prepared with a mini stage for Afgans singing performance and a table for Afgan to sign Afganisms memorabilia.

Some stood in rows in the front yard of the radio station. They sat on the chairs prepared inside the radio stations lobby.

#Download buku sejarah indonesia kurikulum 2013 kelas x semester 2 full#
On that bright and sunny Saturday morning, the radio station was full of Afganism (thats how Afgans fans are called). Feeling excited, I packed all my Afgans CDs to get his signature at the event. A day before the concert, there would be a meet-and-greet event at a local radio station. Then I was suddenly hit by lightning when I found out Afgan was coming to town for a concert in a local auditorium. I had always been thinking of how I would feel when I met him. MEETING MY IDOL Afgan has always been my favourite Read the following text, and then answer the Hit by lightning : / ht ba latn / a meet-and-greet event : / mit nd rit vent / excited : / ksatd / lobby : / lbi / memorabilia : / mem rbli / showed up : / od p / waved : / wevd / crowd : / krad / sang along : / s l / autograph : / trf / speechless : / spitls / unreal : / nrl / cool/awesome : / kul / / s m $ - / friendly : / frendli / nervous : / nvs / amazing : / mez / Listen to your teacher reading the following words. Then, compare your work to your classmates.ġ. Match the words in the left column with the synonyms on the right column. What characters do those people have in common? POINTS TO PONDERWhat makes those people successful? Do you know these people? What are they famous for? Discuss with your friends! Menyusun teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa. Merespon makna teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.ĥ. Melaksanakan komunikasi terkait teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.ģ.Mengidentifikasifungsisosial,strukturteks,danunsurkebahasaandariteksrecount sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.Ĥ. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam Sederhana tentang pengalaman/kejadian/peristiwa.2. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks recount Setelah mempelajari Bab 10, siswa diharapkan mampu:1. 61ĬHAPTER 16: Interviewing the Wright Brothers. Agustien.Penyelia Penerbitan : Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang Kemdikbud.Ĭetakan Ke-1, 2014Disusun dengan huruf Bookman Old Style, 11 ptĭAFTAR ISI. Kontributor Naskah : Utami Widyati, Furaidah, Zuliati Rohmah.Penelaah : Safrina dan Helena I.R. Untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XISBN (jilid lengkap)ISBN (jilid 4) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.Bahasa Inggris dan Budi Pekerti/Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini. Buku ini merupakan "dokumen hidup" yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Buku guru ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Hak Cipta 2014 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan KebudayaanDilindungi Undang-Undangĭisklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku guru yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi Kurikulum 2013.